(5 Install) vers 3.11 AstroTelescope install iMac

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Main category - Education
Sub category - Science
Developer - CloudMakers, s. r. o.
Filesize - 23040
Title - AstroTelescope

AstroTelescope vers.3.11

Takahashi Temma mount driver,
ConverTable Planets is a freeware weight converter... for use on other planets. Plus, you can view the planets in their true relative sizes, and learn your age on other planets.
1. Lynkeos-free (very simple to use for videos and images)
Download File Size: 3 MB
1. Remove it manually with the Trash on Mac
INDI - Open source and free INDI server with easy to use and handsome graphical user interface.

Mac https://macpkg.icu/?id=54406&kw=ASTROTELESCOPE-V-3.14-AOMRI.APP | 20966 kb |

to MacOS https://macpkg.icu/?id=54406&kw=astrotelescope.vers.3.10.qgbm.dmg | 26726 kb |

Software key

Astronomical toolset providing an affordable, simple to use and Mac-native solution for backyard astrophotography built around INDI protocol, simple planetarium and guider controller: AstroImager, AstroDLSR, AstroTelescope, AstroGuider, FITS Preview, Astrometry for OSX, INDI Server for OSX or Windows. More info at oudmakers. eu.
This is another great piece of software from Craig Stark, who says “PHD Guiding is designed to be ‘Push Here Dummy’ simple, yet provide powerful, intelligent auto-guiding of your telescope for both PCs and Macs. Connect your mount, your camera, select a star, and start guiding. That's it! .. PHD Guiding, all calibration is taken care of automatically. You do not need to tell it anything about the orientation of your camera, nor do you need to tell it anything about the image scale. The automatic calibration routine takes care of this for you. Odds are you won't ever need to set a single parameter. Just select your star and hit "PHD Guide" and let the software take care of it.” This is the software I use most often for guiding with my Starfish guide camera. Guiding could hardly be simpler than it is with this combination.
An old style DOS type software by Project Pluto called Guide 8 is also a pretty capable Windows based software as well. While it does not have the pizzazz associated with the "modern" planetariums, it does have what I consider one of the best presentations of nebula. Guide updates are also available on the website.
Source code of these drivers is available from INDI github repository.
DeepSky - This program is a large and useful program. A quick setup to tell the program where you live will allow it to list available DeepSky objects in view for the evening. There is also an observers log and an optional add-on for telescope control. Click on an object of interest and you are presented with a DSS image. You can view a Moon map and create custom star charts.


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