(best 4) Keyboard controlled window moving and resizing utility. how download 10.12.5

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Description: MercuryMover, Desktop, Utilities, 3584 KB, Helium Foot Software

● vers.2.1.1_MercuryMover.app

MercuryMover is the keyboard controlled window moving and resizing utility for Mac OS X. At its most basic, MercuryMover enables anyone to easily and conveniently move and/or resize the frontmost Window, directly from the their keyboard.
Main Features:
- Move and resize virtually any window without touching the mouse
- Move and resize by 1, 10, 100 pixels at a time or to the edge of the current screen
- Unintrusive "heads up display" interface
- Configurable modifier keys
- Unlimited undo/redo
- Single key window center and maximize
- Multi-screen aware
- Automatically checks for updates

Recomended Mojave MercuryMover-vers.3.1.1-8DxNia.dmg | 3010 KB |

10.12 MercuryMover-v-2.3.1-afqsq.dmg | 3942 KB |

New! version ver-4.1.1-MercuryMover-AlBCcy.tar.gz | 3046 KB |

Best to High Sierra rDHEMY.MercuryMover.2.1.2.pkg | 4193 KB |

New for Mac Pro OfEz-MercuryMover-v.2.1.5.pkg | 3978 KB |

New! version qahuq_MercuryMover_version_2.1.3.pkg | 3476 KB |

Helium Foot Software

Serial key MercuryMover 2.1.1

Featured on OS X vLP-6.0.2-Canvas-Draw.app [221376 kbytes] 4.0.0

Featured! version s6Ak.KemetApplication.vers.2.2.3r1.tar.gz [10863 kbytes] 1.4.3r1

App ver. 4.1.1 MercuryMover JEqIwg 2.1.4 Recomended! version

Free ver. 2.1.5 MercuryMover M2XGY 2.1.2 Recomended MacOS

Update MERCURYMOVER 2.4.1 0D8E 3.1.1 Mac Pro
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