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Main category: Home Personal
Sub category: Home Inventory
Developer: The Blue Plum Software
Filesize: 43725
Title: BluePlum Home Inventory
BluePlum Home Inventory 3.4.1

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SOME NEW PRODUCTS seem to hit the spot and just take off, like the original iPhone, say. Others are plagued with problems and criticisms. HomePod seems to fall into the latter category. On top of complaints about its shortcomings, some early buyers have found that their expensive new smart speaker is leaving a white ring on their even more expensive wooden has acknowledged the issue but made light of it, saying in a support note concerning “Cleaning and taking care of HomePod” (read it in full at ):“It is not unusual for any speaker with a vibration-damping silicone base to leave mild marks when placed on some wooden surfaces. The marks can be caused by oils diffusing between the silicone base and the table surface, and will often go…
Price: $49.99, Version: 1.0 -> 2.0 (iTunes)
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To solve this problem MasterPassword stores all your sensitive data like bank accounts, credit card numbers, logins and even scanned private documents securely encrypted and protected by a single password!
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- Sync your data automatically to all your devices using iCloud or Dropbox
See more screenshots and a sample PDF estimate at:
With both desktop and app access, Home Inventory has sophisticated and robust features to help you add details about your home and personal belongings. Not only can you add notes, scan barcodes and attach multiple photos per item, you can also add in information about your home, including renovation details and lot surveys.

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