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- Enabling �Split Audio Channels into separate files� now also works with audio passthru. There are so many potential variations of codecs, frame sizes and content that it is impossible to test all the permutations. So, I chose to create 78 different tests using three different source file codecs – XDCAM, ProRes 422 HQ, ProRes 4444 – then compress them into five different codecs – ProRes 422, H.264, HEVC 8-bit, HEVC 10-bit and MXF OP1a. - Fixed several issues encoding with x264 and x26 - Changed the batch list background. - Added �Reset Settings� button in the preferences. - GOP size option is now disabvled when �Auto set GOP size� is enabled.
- Fixed issue setting the Color Primaries and Color Space (Color Options). Drag�n�drop a media file in your watch folder and ff�Works will automatically encode it. - Fixed issue when enabling Pre/suffix in the Preferences. - Fixed issue when selecting H264 profile High444. - Added MP3 and MP2 support for MP4 container. Export movies to images - Fixed issue selecting audio codec for 2nd, 3rd and 4th audio stream. - Fixed issue when merging and removing the audio streams.
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