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Trying WordPress Locally on Mac 1. StoryChief1. StoryChief Customize Local with community-built add-ons Step-9 Gary Woodfine Think of the file as a settings area for your WordPress installation. Here WordPress uses values you supply to connect successfully to a database. In our case we will be configuring the file to connect to our local database we created earlier.
Nick Schäferhoff
Everything you do in WordPress is done via the Dashboard which is intuitively laid out. From here you can change themes, edit and manage comments and of course, write blog posts.
Create the database:
You’ll now see the first step of WordPress installation wizard asking you to select a language.
1. BlogDesk
Many plug-ins to choose from
Distraction free workspace with the reduced view
The MAMP Start Page tells us a little bit about our setup as well as provides us with some important tools we will need to use coming up. Now that MAMP is running it’s time to download WordPress.
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